Soulsucker (2024) Title Card


Soulsucker (2024) is a dramatic short film written and directed by Karl Strass-Hundal and Samuel Cmelo, which features the film noir aesthetic. The short film follows a young security guard who has to face a mysterious and creepy creature during one of his night shifts on a college campus.

In this project, I designed the title card, the poster and other graphic elements in the film. The overall design embraces the film noir look while still having a modern twist throughout.

Now, let’s go through my design process!


For the visual and typographic treatment, the director Karl and I decided to go for an authentic hand writing look. Instead of picking out an already made, uniform fonts, I used my own hand writing to create ‘Soulsucker.’ The writing resembles a quick note that a student would write down during a lecture reflecting the environment which the film took place - academia.

The face of ‘soulsucker’ creature is also included, replacing the letter ‘o’. Finally, the design is glowing in the dark like the radiant light that appears through out the film.

The final design:


The poster design is inspired by popular film noir in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as, today’s independent films.

For the typography treatment, Grabstein Grotesk and La Roquette were picked. While this interesting font pairing emulates the vintage look of old films, the tilted ‘O’ and ‘E’ add an intentional playful touch of the directors.

The main character is positioned as if he is glancing at ‘SOULSUCKER’ while the shadow of a mysterious figure looming over him - conveying the plot and theme of the film.

Soulsucker (2024) Film Poster


Soulsucker is currently attending film festivals in Canada and the U.S like Markham International Film Festival, Leo and Brian’s Film Festival and more.

Many thanks to the two directors Karl and Sam for letting me work on this incredibly fun and creative project!